THE PROPHECY Continuing Work On 'Revelations'
October 2, 2005Yorkshire, England-based doom/death metallers THE PROPHECY have announced that "Revelations", the follow-up album to the successful "Ashes" CD, is nearing completion. Unfortunately due to technical problems at Performance Studios, work on the album was delayed by five weeks. These problems have now been resolved and everything is back on track to have the album completed. "Revelations" consists of seven tracks provisionally entitled "Odyssey", "Of Darkness", "Willows Hope", "Rivers", "Broken", "Cascades" and "Revelations". An early 2006 release is expected.
In other news, THE PROPHECY will be embarking on the "Mist of Death" European tour in late October. Confirmed dates are as follows:
Oct. 28 - The Cave - Amsterdam, NETH
Oct. 29 - Jeffrey's - Sas Van Gent, NETH (Opblaaspop IV Festival)
Oct. 30 - The Frontline - Gent, BEL
Oct. 31 - Shinyz - Kehlen, LUX